Firearm training

All our firearms training is learner paced to ensure that you can increase your subject matter knowledge and understanding, and produce the best skills possible to achieve the most effective results.


Notice of courses to be held in April 2011


The next group orientation session for Handle and use a handgun (SAQA ID - 119649) will be held at the Academy premises in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa on

Saturday 16 April, 2011 at 08h45

Manually operated rifle or carbine and shotgun

The next group orientation session for Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine (SAQA ID - 119651) and Handle and use a shotgun (SAQA ID - 119652) will be held at the Academy premises in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa on

Saturday 14 May, 2011 at 08h45

The dates for further group sessions for Handle and use a handgun (SAQA ID - 119649), Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine (SAQA ID - 119651), Handle and use a self loading rifle or carbine (SAQA ID - 119650), and Handle and use a shotgun (SAQA ID - 119652)
 to be held at the Academy premises in Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa are being considered and finalised 

Should you wish to be a course participant for the 119 ... series unit standards, please contact us at so that you complete your preassessment meeting by at least the Thursday before the particular course group session begins

Please note that unit standards 10748, 10750, 10754 and 10756 which were due to expire on 31 December 2007, by which time all assessments needed to have been completed, were extended to 29 February 2008. 

 We retain the right to postpone these sessions at short notice to a later date should circumstances 
created by course participants necessitate it


We offer firearms training in a variety of disciplines.

SAQA registered unit standards

Our field of training and assessing registered unit standards was further extended on 13 December 2006 by the ETQA of SASSETA.  These newly registered unit standards require all learners to competently complete SAQA u/s 117705, Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm as part of each programme.

Once again, the Academy and Assessment Centre's field of training and assessing registered unit standards was further extended on 6 June 2007 by the ETQA of SASSETA to include the business purpose standards required by security companies and those who issue firearms to their personnel.

The Academy and Assessment Centre's field of training was once again extended on 21 May 2009 by the ETQA of SASSETA to include supervising shooting exercises and firearm training, as well as the Tactical unit standards required by law enforcement and the security industry. 

In 2013, SAPFTC became the custodian of firearm training and an annual registration for accreditation was instituted. Over the last six years there have been changes to the requirements of the system.

We are therefore currently registered to offer, assess and moderate the following programmes:

Demonstrate knowledge of the Firearms Control Act (Act 60 of 2000) applicable to possessing a firearm  
                                                                                                                                        SAQA  u/s 117705

Use of a Handgun  (standard expired 29 February 2008)                                       SAQA  u/s 10748
Handle and use a handgun                                                                                            SAQA  u/s 119649
Handle and use a handgun for business purposes                                                       SAQA  u/s 123515

Use of a Rifle  (standard expired 29 February 2008)                                              SAQA  u/s 10750
Handle and use a manually operated rifle or carbine                                                     SAQA  u/s 119651
Handle and use a manually operated rife or carbine for business purposes                SAQA  u/s 123519

Use of a Shotgun  (standard expired 29 February 2008)                                        SAQA  u/s 10754
Handle and use a shotgun                                                                                              SAQA  u/s 119652
Handle and use a shotgun for business purposes                                                        SAQA  u/s 123514

We also offer for those in law-enforcement, security or have justifiable need of it:

Use of a Hand Machine Carbine  (standard expired 29 February 2008)                  SAQA  u/s 10756
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine                                                                SAQA  u/s 119650
Handle and use a self-loading rifle or carbine for business purposes                          SAQA  u/s 123511
Use of firearms in tactical duty related situations                                                          SAQA  u/s 10757 
Apply tactical knowledge in the use of firearms                                                            SAQA  u/s 123510
Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a shotgun                                                           SAQA  u/s 123512
Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a handgun                                                          SAQA  u/s 123513
Demonstrate tactical proficiency with a self-loading rifle or carbine                                SAQA  u/s 123518

For those who wish to safely supervise shooting ranges and shooting exercises:

Safely supervise the operation of a shooting range and shooting exercises                SAQA  u/s 10758 
Supervise shooting exercises                                                                                         SAQA  u/s 123516
Supervise the operation of a shooting range and tactical shooting exercises               SAQA  u/s 123517
Supervise firearm training                                                                                                SAQA  u/s 123520

For those who possess or wish to possess muzzle loading firearms, such as flintlocks or percussion:

Handle and use a muzzle loading firearm                                                                       SAQA u/s 243200

Courses in bold white are awaiting re-registration with SAPFTC

Should you wish to enter any of the afore-mentioned programmes, you need to be assessed by a SAPFTC registered assessor and be found competent against the assessment criteria and specific outcomes that have been set for the chosen national standard.   

The process to follow is relatively simple.

There are two options available to you to accomplish what you need to do:


We will educate, train and prepare you for the theoretical and practical assessments for your chosen unit standard(s) where you will need to make an half hour appointment, bring a determined sum of money and come to the Aquila Training Academy. You will have a preassessment meeting with a registered assessor who will assist you fill in application/indemnity and registration forms for your chosen course, issue your course material and explain the process you need to follow;

Or alternatively

If you require Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), you will make an appointment to meet with an assessor who will require you to demonstrate and show that you are a suitable RPL candidate.  This he/she will do by assessing your theoretical and practical knowledge of the requirements of the relevant unit standard.  You will also bring a determined sum of money for this service.

For those who are undergoing training (not RPL candidates): 

1.  You will be notified, normally by SMS, approximately seven (7) days before you are due to start your group
     theoretical orientation session of training
with approximately 12 other learners.  We do, however, retain
     the right to postpone this session at short notice to a later date should circumstances, which have been
     created by the subscribing course participants, necessitate it.  

2.  When you arrive for training at the Aquila Training Academy, you will bring with you two certified copies of
     your national ID document, your course manual, a pen and if the theoretical orientation class is on one
     single day, some refreshments.  You may make use of our cooling and heating facilities.

3.  After you have completed your theoretical orientation session with a facilitator/instructor, you take your
     manual home, continue to study the contents and complete your self evaluation questions
     are included.  This formative assessment needs to be returned to the Aquila Training Academy for
     assessment and filing.

4.  You will contact the Aquila Training Academy and make an appointment to write your second theoretical
 which is a closed book test (you may not refer to the contents in your manual) under invigilation on
     the premises.  This is part of your summative assessment.

5.  You will make a further appointment to come to the Aquila Training Academy premises for practical
     hands-on training
on a one-on-one basis with a qualified instructor for the relevant group of firearms.

6.  When both you and your instructor agree that your skill development is at a point where you can be finally
     assessed in practical and reflexive handling of firearms, the assessor will assess you during what is
     called a Qualification Shoot.

7.  On successful completion of this process, you will receive and give feedback to your assessor who will
     ensure that your Portfolio of Evidence (POE) is complete.

8.  After three working days, unless you give compelling reasons to the contrary which acceptance lies in the
     discretion of the Academy Director, you need to either collect or arrange for the collection of your training or
     proficiency certificate issued by the Aquila Training Academy.  We require a signature on collection.

9.  The Aquila Training Academy will issue a further SAPFTC national statement of results certificate which
     once again will require a signature on collection.

Firearm programmes offered that are not unit standard registered:

Basic Defensive Handgun
Home Protection