Globally, there is an ongoing scrutiny and evaluation of the legislation of individual nations regarding the possession and usage of firearms by its citizens. The United Nations (UN) has several committees that are constantly monitoring the movement and use of firearms around the world, especially between and amongst their member nations. Against this backdrop, South Africa, a member of the Commonwealth, has not remained untouched.
Since the beginning of the new millennium, the laws controlling the possession and use of firearms in South Africa have radically and dramatically changed. We have put together some of the most important pieces of legislation and some useful documents we recommend you peruse.
Competency certificate renewal 2010
There has been a great deal of confusion and speculation as to the correct process of reapplying for an expiring competency certificate. Here are the instructions issued by the Central Firearms Control Register on 26 February 2010 for applying for a new competency certificate. Application for competency certificate: competency certificate lapsed in terms of section 10 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000) [.pdf]
Government Gazette No 33871 was published on 17 December 2010 and included Proclamation No 77 which promulgated the commencement of certain sections of the Firearm Control Amendment Act 2006, Act 28 of 2006 on 10 Jauary 2011. pdf. This proclamation covers amendments to and the commencment of redefining an 'antique firearm' to a 'muzzle loading firearm', new requirements for possession of muzzle loading firearms, the validity of firearm licences and the new extended validity of competency certificate renewals.
Here is news regarding the Justice Alliance of South Africa (JASA) Cape High Court case heard today, 31 August 2009, regarding the States failure to pay Compensation in terms of s. 137 of the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000).
A South African Police Services directive from the Division of Visible Policing, Head Office, Pretoria dated 27/06/2009 [MS Word doc] advising the latest in Renewal of Firearm Licences, Permits and Authorisations: Transitional Provisions: Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act 60 of 2000).
We have just (27 June 2009 @ 11h01) received the press release issued by the SA Hunters and Game Conservation Association / SA Jagters en Wildbewaringsvereniging[.pdf] regarding the granting of an interim interdict against the Minister for Police confirming that firearm licences which were issued under the Arms and Ammunition Act 1969 (Act 75 of 1969) will be deemed to remain valid until the main application has been finalised.
Although not legislation, we draw your urgent attention to the reworded excerpts from a South African Police Services directive to all their personnel dealing with firearms dated 16 March 2009, further recent developments in documents from the CFCR dated 28 May 2009 and the Eastern Cape Provincial office dated 08 June 2009 and other latest directives.
The Firearms Control Act 2000 (Act 60 of 2000) [.pdf]
The Firearms Control Amendment Act 2003 (Act 43 of 2003) [.pdf]
The Firearms Control Amendment Act 2006 (Act 28 of 2006) [.pdf]
The Firearms Control Regulations 2004 [winzip]
Information on importation of firearms
Application form (SAPS 520) [.pdf]
Instructions : Application for Multiple Import or Export Permit/permanent Import or Export Permit/temporary Import or Export Permit/in-transit Permit for Personal Use [.pdf]
Govt Gazette 28039 notice no R914 dated 23 Sep 2005 by the Minister for Safety & Security extending application date for those subject to certain conditions [MS Word doc]
Hunting licence guidelines [.pdf]
Media Statement by the Minister for Safety & Security re collectors of firearms - 02 November 2005 [.pdf]
Media Statement by the Minister for Safety & Security on the Firearms Control Act, 2000 - 15 December 2005 [.pdf]
Media Statement by the Minister for Safety & Security on extended licence renewal periods - 21 February 2006 [.pdf]
Press release by the Ministry for Safety & Security on the draft Firearms Control Amendment Bill - 27 February 2006 [.pdf]